Socio-Economic Monitoring

Socio-economic monitoring is an organized system for monitoring the progress and nature of qualitative changes in the economy, associated with its transition from one stage to another. The objective of socio-economic monitoring is not only observing but also collecting information on the dynamics of the economy in transition and subsequent periods.

Zher Ana provides services of the socio-economic monitoring to its clients based the extensive and long-term experience.

Monitoring structure includes:

  • monitoring the quality of life,
  • monitoring of the region’s contribution to the solution of inter-territorial and federal issues,
  • monitoring the progress of reform in the territory,
  • monitoring of socio-economic potential and its efficient use.

This socio-economic monitoring structure provides options for monitoring the economy or enterprise activity at all stages of development. The data that are carefully selected and processed by the specially-trained employees are stored in a database and provided to the client.

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